Our service

Modelling & Registrations for Australian Incentive Schemes

What we do
  • Applications for STCs, VEECs, ESCs
  • AS/NZS 4234 TRNSYS modelling
  • Design optimisation to maximise certificate numbers
  • Audit Assistance

EnergyAE has been helping dozens of Australian solar water heater (SWH) and air-source heat pump (ASHP) manufacturers apply for incentive programs in Australia since 2014. We are experts in TRNSYS modelling using AS/NZS 4234 and the submission of applications for the SRES, VEU and ESS programs.

We are members of the Technical Advisory Panel for the Clean Energy Regulator and provide training to the Essential Services Commission (ESC) on auditing and TRNSYS modelling.

Some of our clients include: Apricus, Mitsubishi, Rheem, Eco Alliance,  Emerald Energy, Quantum, Dux, Aquatech, Eco Genica, Hydrotherm, Neopower, Solargain, Intertek, SGS, TUV-SUD, Smart Lifestyle Australia, Optitech, Smart User, Reclaim Energy.

We help manufacturers apply to the following schemes:

If you need products registered to any of these schemes, get in touch with us today!

Example projects:

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