Our service

Government policy can create or destroy an industry. EnergyAE assists Government departments to develop new methods, analyse efficacy of existing methods, and survey stakeholder engagement.

What we do
  • Technical advisory
  • Support policy development
  • International policy analysis
  • Auditing

EnergyAE has strong ties with the Department of Energy, Land, Water & Planning (DELWP) in Victoria, and the Department of Planning & Environment (DPE) in NSW, and the Clean Energy Regulator (CER).

EnergyAE has significant experience in using and developing ESS, VEU and CER methodologies, GEMS Determinations, and in the development and application of both Australian and international standards, particularly those involving product testing or including the use of TRNSYS to estimate annual energy savings.

We recently worked with DPE and DELWP to develop the ESS/VEU calculation methodologies for air conditioners and for commercial and heat pump water heaters, and as a sub-contractor to Energy Consult to provide detailed technical knowledge of AS 3823.4: 2014(+A1), AS 5389 and the recent GEMs determination for Air-Conditioners (2019), and propose possible energy consumption and energy efficiency rating methodologies across a range of space heater product types.

With our industry/manufacturer client base, we are often involved in communicating these methodologies to industry, and are very familiar with the response of manufacturers to new methodologies. Our recent project for DISER regarding pool pump efficiency also involved the facilitation of industry stakeholder meetings in order to ensure that proposed options for changes to the Australian Standard and Star-Rating methodology were clearly communicated, and a consensus reached within the industry.

Example projects:

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