
New Online Certificate Calculators

EnergyAE has developed a useful set of online calculators to compare the energy certificates gained by each differed registered product on the respective registers of the Clean Energy Regulator, Victorian Energy Upgrades hot water activities, and the IPART registry.

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An Exceptional Gathering at CEP Conference 2024 in Christchurch

The CEP Conference 2024, held on the 28th and 29th of May at the Christchurch Town Hall, was an outstanding success. This premier annual event for New Zealand's Carbon and Energy Professionals (CEP) brought together nearly 200 attendees from 135 companies, showcasing a diverse array of expertise in sustainability, energy, and carbon management. With 30 events over the course of two days, the conference served as a vibrant platform for thought leadership, innovative solutions, and collaborative networking.

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Australian Energy Incentives

Australian federal and state governments offer generous subsidies for a variety of clean energy technology, including solar & heat pump water heater upgrades.

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Peak Demand Reduction Scheme rule changes

The Department of Climate and Energy Action in New South Wales has issued a notice regarding essential changes to the PDRS, effective three months after the final rule's publication in April 2024.

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VEU Program Updates for Water Heaters in 2023

VEU is moving ahead with changes to the water heating activities which include addition of activity 3C to incentivise heat pump replacement of gas water heaters, and change to the use of AS/NZS 4234:2021 for all water heater activities.

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Proposed Changes to the VEU Program

There is currently a consultation on proposed revisions to water heating and space heating/cooling activities in the Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) program. This article outlines the proposed changes in regulations for the VEU, and the timeline in which they will be implemented. EnergyAE is able to guide you through these regulations, including updated modelling of existing products in the VEU scheme and registration of new products.

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How to Register a Residential Solar or Heat Pump Water Heater to the VEU Program

The Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) program enables manufacturers to deliver their energy efficient products to consumers at lower prices by awarding a number of VEECs (Victorian Energy Efficiency Certificates) to eligible product based on their efficiency. EnergyAE specialises in helping manufacturers register their products in the VEU Registry.

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New Incentives for Commercial & Industrial Heat Pump Water Heaters

New commercial and industrial (C&I) air source heat pump water heater (HPWH) activities have been introduced to the Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) and NSW Energy Saving Scheme (ESS).These activities reward installation of new HPWH systems, either for replacing a gas or electric water heater/boiler, or for the installation of a new system.EnergyAE assists manufacturers to register their systems for the VEU and ESS activities, undertaking annual performance assessment (TRNSYS modelling), preparation of documentation, and submission of all documents to the ESC Registry for product assessment.This document describes the incentive schemes, eligibility requirements, documentation requirements (test reports, schematics, specifications), and addresses frequently asked questions.

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Asia-Pacific Solar Research Conference 2016

EnergyAE recently presented 3 papers at the 2016 Asia-Pacific Solar Research Conference at Australian National University in Canberra.

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Case studies & Opportunities: Clean Process Heat

Clean Process Heat is critical to meet short falls in natural gas, find cost effective options that are socially acceptable, have low environmental impact and are established technology. Case studies from around the world and Australia are useful to understand where and how renewable energy projects, exploring the successes and working in implementing the lessons learned. Apply this to Australia, we have found that food and beverage sector offers the best immediate opportunity due to the number of plants, locations, size and their need for clean options.

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Support for Renewables

A summary list of government programs to support the uptake of renewables

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DR AS 5389 Open for Public Comment

DR AS 5389:2016 Space heating and cooling and ventilation systems – Calculation of energy consumption has been developed with the objective of providing manufacturers, regulators and conformity assessment bodies with a means of evaluating the annual energy performance of solar heating and cooling systems and ventilation systems for domestic and commercial buildings, with or without inclusion of hot water supplied.

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